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About Us

The Parent Cue Store

Products that help you be the parent you want to be

Welcome to the Parent Cue Store! We know there are thousands of places you can go online to buy things for your home, your kids, your teenager, and yourself, but the Parent Cue Store is different. Our products are designed to inspire and support you in one of the biggest journeys in your life, being a great parent and passing along a legacy of faith.

In our store, you’ll find books and resources that give you practical help, whether your son is cutting his first tooth or your daughter is going on her first date.

You’ll find materials that inspire and encourage you as a parent and help you talk to your child about the things that matter. But we don’t stop there.

You can also find the perfect gift for your child, like faith-building devotionals and fun music that will inspire them.

Browse through our products and you’ll discover our goal: inspiring and equipping you to be the best parent you can be.

We believe that the most important influence in a kid’s life is a parent. There’s no one else who will impact their future and their faith more. We also know that being a parent is hard. Raising tiny humans into responsible adults who love God and love others can feel like a lot of pressure.

That’s why we created Parent Cue. In partnership with local churches, we started serving parents to help them make the most of the time they have with their kids to influence their future.

Here’s what we know to be true:

Every parent has approximately 936 weeks from the moment their child is born to the day their child graduates from high school and moves on to what’s next.

936 weeks can seem like a lot, until one day you realize it’s not. Your kids are flying through each phase of their life, and if you’re not careful it’s easy to miss.

So instead of just telling you not to miss it, Parent Cue has partnered with The Phase Project to help parents and leaders understand the developmental phases of a child.

You’ll find our store will provide you with the resources to help you parent your child knowing that each phase is unique and gives you distinctive opportunities to influence their future.

For more great parent content to equip you to be the parent you want to be, visit our blog and download our free Parent Cue App.

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